The BC Association of School Business Officials is a member-driven organization dedicated to providing membership value, advocating for members and building relationships

The membership includes secretary-treasurers, assistant secretary-treasurers, directors of finance, and other management staff in the areas of payroll, procurement, human resources, facilities and information technology.

The association provides its members with professional development opportunities and a forum to share ideas, new initiatives, and concerns. It provides an important communication vehicle to ensure that each individual school district can learn from others.

Our members participate on various BCASBO committees and serve on committees for the Ministry of Education and other organizations to provide input on K-12 education issues from a business perspective.

BCASBO 2025 AGM and Conference “Leading Through Change”

The BCASBO 2025 AGM and Conference “Leading Through Change” will take place at the Penticton Lakeside Resort & Conference Center from Wednesday, May 21st to Friday, May 23rd, 2025.  Registration details and Trade Show sponsorship opportunities will be available by the end of February. 

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BCASBO #208 – 1118 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 6L5